
  • Lilia F. Birr-Tsurkan St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russia


This paper discusses the formulaic nature of epistolary texts in the history of German language. Having analyzed the main definitions of “formula”, “cliché” and “model”, the author opts for the term “formula” in a broader sense, i. e. combining a pure formula and a model formula, the latter allowing for a variability of content. Stability, reproducibility, communicative orientation and relation to a situation are considered as principal criteria of a formula. When studying texts in diachrony, only a relative formula stability is observed due to formulas still developing. Private German letters dating from the 14th and 15th centuries are analyzed based on the thesis of genre reproducibility in epistolary texts, following certain rules, models and established linguistic forms. Along with traditional etiquette formulas for greetings, requests, gratitude, goodbyes, other specific model formulas are highlighted, e. g. attracting attention of the addressee, requesting information, asking for a response, indicating the date and place of writing. A standard letter would open with a greeting written in accordance with epistolary rules and end with a closure containing assurances of one’s loyalty and willingness to serve, a request to write back, and an indication of where and when the letter was written. Formulaic nature of the epistolary genre is expressed not only through established formulae, but also on the textual level, since the author would follow a traditional model of writing a letter, which would determine its composition and content of individual parts.


epistolary genre, speech etiquette, address, etiquette formula, greeting, closure, German language


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How to Cite

Birr-Tsurkan, L. F. (2022). FORMULAIC NATURE OF PRIVATE GERMAN EPISTOLARY IN THE 14th–15th CENTURIES. German Philology at the St Petersburg State University , 10, 137–152. Retrieved from

