
  • Galina A. Baeva Professor of German Philology Department, St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Philological Sciences Address: 7–9, University emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article explores the development of the “phrasebook” text type over four centuries, starting from the first German-Russian phrasebooks of the 16th century up to the end of the 19th century. The main purpose of a phrasebook is to provide for a minimal communication in simple communicative situations when the speakers do not know a foreign language or have a limited knowledge of it. Unlike dictionaries and grammar books, where the system of the language is presented as a set of nominative and structural units, the phrasebook seeks to convey this system as a set of ready-to-use spoken formulae. Phrasebooks recreate the everyday and business context, list features of speech etiquette of the past, model the interlocutors, provide spoken language use cases etc. to simulate a certain virtual reality that accumulates the language experience of native speakers, which makes the phrasebooks a good research object for pragma- and sociolinguistic analysis. The creation of the first handwritten phrasebooks and their further development were driven by the communicative needs of the society. Being positioned in-between the dictionary and the textbook, this text type is very peculiar, which is exemplified by the way it functions but also by the large number of definitions for this genre: Sprachbuch, Gesprächsbuch, Sprachführer, Konversationsbuch etc. The article provides a frontal comparative-typological analysis of German-Russian and Russian-German phrasebooks from the 16th–19th centuries, which are handled as a means of business communication from distant times, reflecting cross-cultural relations and the development of llinguistics and linguodidactics.


phrasebook, conversation, business communication, communicative practice, intercultiral communication, thematic group, dictionary, textbook


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How to Cite

Baeva, G. A. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF THE “PHRASEBOOK” —TYPE TEXT: BETWEEN THE TEXTBOOK AND THE DICTIONARY (Based on Early German-Russian and Russian-German phrasebooks). German Philology at the St Petersburg State University , 10, 113–136. Retrieved from

