The article studies linguistic expression of politeness and its pragmatic value in chess literature, focusing on works by Z. Tarrash, A. Nimzowitsch and A. Alekhine. In the beginning of the 20th century, authors of books on chess aimed at popularizing the game among amateurs, as well as engaging in arguments with other chess players. Accordingly, the studied texts represent a number of techniques for expressing politeness towards the reader and towards the players whose games are analyzed. Politeness in regard to a participant of a game can be expressed by a compliment in relation to a strong move, as well as in “polite surprise” at a bad decision taken by a strong chess player. Politeness towards the reader includes direct address, sometimes using ritual formulas, unobtrusive advice, and various techniques of authorial distancing as an indicator of modesty. A method specific to chess literature is referring to the participants of a game as Weiß/белые (‘white’) and Schwarz/черные (‘black’), even if one of the sides is the author of the commentary. Another way is using plural pronouns instead of singular, which is characteristic of the scientific style. In Russian texts, there are also cases of distancing through the use of impersonal constructions. The pragmatic purpose of politeness in relation to the reader is most likely winning them over, while politeness towards chess players can serve various purposes.
chess, specialized text, educational literature, politeness, linguistic pragmatics
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