
  • Albina V. Boyarkina St Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St Petersburg, 199034, Russia


Based on the important remarks of V.G.Admoni about the German syntax of the 18th century, the author of the article analyzes the epistolary texts of this period and comes to the conclusion that almost all Admoni’s assumptions find their confirmation in the letters. German private epistolary writing of the 18th century is a complex phenomenon. On the one hand, a rigid epistolary structure is in place, postulated by the manuals of letter writing and requiring a regulated compositional structure, a meaningful composition and strict observance of the titular rules for each letter type. However, on the other hand, there are new stylistic guidelines proclaimed by Ch. F.Gellert in the middle of the 18th century, advocating simplicity and freedom in the epistolary text while calling for proximity to the colloquial style, which is natural for the informal sphere of communication. German letters of the 18th century are not a homogeneous phenomenon in terms of their language. An analysis of the letters of musicians (in particular, W.A. and L.Mozart) proves that, at the syntax level of the epistolary discourse, the trend towards the convergence of the written form of the literary language and the spoken language, mentioned by W.G.Admoni.


V.G.Admoni, syntax, German language, private letter, manual of letter writing, epistolary texts of German musicians, Leopold Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


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How to Cite

Boyarkina, A. V. (2022). THE SYNTAX OF GERMAN PRIVATE EPISTOLARY WRITING OF THE 18TH CENTURY (Based on Musicians’ Letters). German Philology at the St Petersburg State University , 10, 153–168. Retrieved from

