Strategies of translation of culture-specific items in German and Russian publicistic texts


  • Evgenii S. Stepanov German Philology Department, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, University emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The present study analyzes methods of translation of culture-specific units (CSU) in the publicistic texts in German and Russian and pursues the objective of explication of different approaches to translating of this lexis group. The relevance is connected with the growing interest in exploring the lingual manifestations of national cultures amid globalization and with the search of ways of linguocultural societies’ maintaining and translation through the language. On the base of original German and Russian analytical articles, on the one hand, and its translations which are respectively presented on the German website and Russian platform, on the other hand, the corpora of examples from real translators’ practice were composed using the continuous sampling method and include realia and precedented phenomena. The realia were classified into the groups of geographical, ethnographical and social-political realia, while precedented phenomena — into precedented names and precedented phrases; additionally, colloquial expressions and phraseological units were examined. Translational analysis of these lingual units revealed the translational strategies chosen by Russian and German translators for publicistic texts. While in the translations of publicistic texts from German into Russian the adaptation of CSU for the perception of Russian-speaking recipients within the very text is used, in translations from Russian into German the tendency to the maintaining of initial expression plane and to the removing comments for CSU into the metatexts with hyperlinks is shown. The novelty of the study consists in systematization of object classification of CSU and fixation of new ICT-based translation methods.


culture-specific items, realia, publicistic text, translatology, translation, Russian language, German language


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How to Cite

Stepanov, E. S. (2021). Strategies of translation of culture-specific items in German and Russian publicistic texts. German Philology at the St Petersburg State University , 11, 86–108. Retrieved from



Contrastive lexicology and grammar