
  • Konstantin A. Filippov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaia nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



In a dialogue, both the speaker and the listener have expectations on the transmitted information that require confirmation or refutation. The validity or unreasonability of these expectations is stated with linguistic affirmation or negation. In a verbal confrontation, each participant has the right to question the position of the partner and put forward their own point of view. At the same time, following the rules of politeness makes it possible to smoothen the sharp angles while expressing disagreement. The article aims to identify and to carry out a semantic-pragmatic analysis of how polite disagreement is expressed in German. The material of the study are versatile dialogues in German. One way to express polite disagreement in a dialogue is to use the modal modifiers leider, bedauerlicherweise, etc. in the response, expressing the speaker’s regret about disagreeing with the partners statement. These words enhance the emotional component of the response and soften the point-blank refusal, which can be considered as a kind of courtesy. Another way to express polite disagreement is to switch the interlocutor’s attention from the main topic to a secondary topic or build a response using the interlocutor’s verbal material and in compliance with the norms of politeness. The response statement can consist of two parts, an agreement with the previous statement and arguments in favor of the speaker’s own position, for example, Ja, aber… Standing apart is the adverb allerdings, which conveys opposite meanings (JA-allerdings and NEIN-allerdings) and signals readiness to continue communication.


linguistic pragmatics, German languageэ, dialogue, polite disagreement, focus switching


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Author Biography

Konstantin A. Filippov, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaia nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation

Professor of German Philology Department, St. Petersburg State University,
Doctor of Philological Sciences.



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How to Cite

Filippov, K. A. (2024). TO THE QUESTION ABOUT THE PRAGMATICS OF POLITE DISCORD WITH A COMMUNICATION PARTNER (based on the German language). German Philology at the St Petersburg State University , 13, 330–345.

