The article aims to study the form and functions of some etiquette speech formulas in Early New High German. On the material Hans Sachs’s carnival play Das Narrenscheyden (Cure of Fools, 1557) from the standpoint of speech etiquette, the cases of using addresses, greetings, farewells, requests, advice, etc. are analyzed. The methodological basis is determined by the theoretical position of historical pragmatic linguistics of the potential possibility of using old texts as a source of linguistic material. The article presents for the first time the specificity of the use of speech formulas of etiquette in the works of H. Sachs in the aspect of their translation into modern Russian. Particular attention is paid to the features of the genre of Shrovetide plays, as well as to the problem of translating of Knittelvers, traditionally aligned in Russian into iambic tetrameter. The article notes the role of H. Sachs as one of the first authors of his time, who consistently assigned linguistic features of social differentiation to the speech of the characters. In this regard, an attempt is made to trace the variability of etiquette speech formulas depending on the situation of speech interaction. In addition to thе main functions of etiquette formulas, regulatory and characterizing functions are distinguished (etiquette speech formulas as markers of the development of dramatic action and means of creating character images). The obtained results contribute to the study of the features of speech interaction, presented on the basis of texts from distant eras and their translations.
Hans Sachs, early New High German carnival play, speech etiquette, translation into Russian
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