Linguistic and cultural specificity of evaluation in German and Russian abstracts of linguistic articles


  • Sergey T. Nefedov German Philology Department, St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, University emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This article raises the question of the place and appropriateness of the expression of the author’s attitude to what is reported in the annotation preceding the scientific article, it discusses explicit and implicit means of expressing an evaluation, as well as linguistic and cultural specifics and norms of evaluative positioning in the German and Russian annotations. Contrastive studies of scientific professional communication on the material of the German and Russian languages have been and are being carried out quite rarely and in fragments. Basically, scientific speech of German and Russian linguists is compared to the norms and stylistics of Anglo-American researchers. Moreover, the subjective evaluation plan of scientific texts as a reflection of the researcher’s personal point of view on both the object and the methodology of its analysis, as an expression of the attitude to the opinion of other researchers, was generally of little interest by the Germanists in a contrastive perspective. At the same time, socio-communicative and discourse analysis here reveals significant culture specific features both in the presentation of the scientific result and in the reflexive assessment of the author’s own contribution by the actual issues, which are pragmatically discussed in orientation towards the target addressee. Through the analysis of explicit and implicit means of the evaluative position, the article focuses on the ethnocultural and linguistic aspects of the evaluative activity of the author of a scientific article as projected to the discursive norms, with have developed in the national linguistics of the German and Russian languages. For the first time, a typology of means with an estimated potential is proposed and the main assessment profiles of the German and Russian annotations are highlighted.


abstract, Russian language, German language, evaluative positioning, scientific paratext, linguistic scientific discourse, culture specificity of the abstract


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How to Cite

Nefedov, S. T. (2021). Linguistic and cultural specificity of evaluation in German and Russian abstracts of linguistic articles. German Philology at the St Petersburg State University , 11, 184–207. Retrieved from



Contrastive linguacultural analysis of communication practices