The article deals with a problem of gender correct forms in the modern German language in the context of communicative category of politeness that regulates language behavior and provides its success. The goal of the study is to define how the supporters of gender correctness and their opponents use the moral and ethical argument to persist in their opinion and how it influences the language behavior of the people. The materials are borrowed from German online-media for the period from 2018 to 2022. With the help of the method of context analysis there were considered expressions of supporters of gender correctness and their opponents in point of relations to the recipient, to the meaning of gender correct forms, to the interaction between language and non-language reality. The supporters of gender correctness act in the tradition of feminist and gender linguistics. They believe using of the masculine form of the nouns in general meaning to be discriminating, consider the influence of language forms on the reality and come out for deliberate changes in the language. Because of connecting of the gender correct forms with ideas of equality and justice the speakers are forced to explain and to justify their language behavior. The opponents doubt about positive reaction to the gender correctforms from the recipients, demonstrate the influence of gender correct changes on the meaning of words and phrases, deny the direct connection between language forms and thoughts and behavior of the people. The study contributes to developing of communicative theory and scientific language criticism.
category of politeness, gender correctness, gender linguistics, media linguistics, German
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